Why Composite Doors Are Popular With Homeowners in Cardiff and South Wales

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If you are planning to upgrade the front door of your home in Cardiff and South Wales, a composite door is an excellent choice. Aside from being energy efficient and durable, it also offers a wide variety of style options.

A composite door is a great alternative to traditional doors because it offers enhanced security with an anti-drill, pick, and snap cylinder. It also features a high level of insulation that helps in keeping your home warm and comfortable.

As a glazing installer, you’ll want to ensure your customers receive high-performing front doors that are durable and long-lasting. One such option that is proving popular with homeowners in Cardiff and across South Wales is the composite door.

These doors are made from a combination of different materials, including wood and insulating foam. They are then coated with a weather-resistant glass reinforced plastic (GRP) skin. This is designed to provide homeowners with a durable and energy efficient entrance door that will not warp or crack over time.

The combination of materials that go into the production of a composite door also makes them extremely strong and sturdy. They will be able to resist any attempted forced entry from a criminal, while also providing effective sound insulation. This will create a quieter home environment for your customers to enjoy. The colour of the GRP skin is also integrated into its composition during manufacturing, which means that it will not fade over time, even when exposed to the elements.

When it comes to home security, composite doors are incredibly robust and hard-wearing. They can withstand the latest attempts at forced entry and have been accredited by Secured by Design, showing that they are one of the best choices on the market for home protection.

They are built with a solid core and an insulating foam inner, offering exceptional levels of strength and durability. This multi-layered construction also includes reinforced carbon fibre blocks and a bespoke outer & inner frame reinforcing system to ensure that your property remains safe and sound.

As well as this, they are designed with a high level of insulation to keep you warm throughout the year. This means that you will be able to enjoy reduced energy bills and a more comfortable living space. These benefits make composite doors an ideal choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their front or back door. Unlike wooden designs, composite doors will never warp or discolour and can easily be maintained with regular cleaning.

The combination of materials that make up a composite door results in a product that offers outstanding acoustic insulation properties. This means that your home will be well protected from outside noise, making it a place where you can relax and disconnect from the rest of the world.

In addition to their superior acoustic properties, composite doors also offer exceptional weather resistance. Unlike timber, they will not warp or crack in extreme temperatures, heavy rain, or direct sunlight.

One of the great things about composite doors is that they are highly customisable. This allows homeowners to create a unique entrance door that complements their home and suits their personality. The options are endless when it comes to style, colour, and glazing options. They are also easy to install, and can be fitted over existing doors. This makes them a cost-effective way to upgrade your home. They also require little maintenance, with only the occasional wipe down with warm soapy water.
Energy efficiency

Unlike UPVC doors, composite doors are well-insulated and help you save money by keeping the cold out and the heat in. They prevent draughts from entering the home, which can lead to higher energy bills and discomfort in the house. Additionally, they also provide sound insulation for a peaceful and quieter living environment.

Moreover, they’re extremely durable and resistant to weathering. They won’t warp or crack, and they require little maintenance to keep them looking good. In fact, they have a lifespan of 30 years or more, if looked after properly. They’re also a secure option for your home, as they feature multi-point locks and six pin lock cylinders that are hard for intruders to break into.composite doors swansea

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